The rewards of the Body Poem training are that you will learn how to weave this simple but profound structure into your practice that facilitates the states of grace between us when we feel listened to. The structure gives you a helping hand with accurate attuned listening, fine-tuning your confidence with your intuition with eliciting and conducting the dance between feeling states and identity updates.


NOVEMBER 1ST 2022 - MARCH 14TH 2023​

Body Poem Training


In our first meeting together we will be exploring the concepts and experience of Body Focusing. We will also be setting up our container with each other and learning about safe practice when holding space for another entering into altered states of consciousness in relation to consent. You will have the opportunity to participate in a live community body focusing experience with live demonstration and practice. There will be home study with practicing these micro skills of listening and scribing the transformations from sensation into language.

Body Poem Trainings



In this module we will practice the art of clean language. What might be the key to our inner world’s fortress gates? How can we understand the wisdom that is embedded in such an elusive code? An elusive code such as the word “nothingness”. In asking very simple questions we can feel into the richness of our metaphorical life within.

“To be native to a place we must learn to speak its language”Braiding Sweetgrass
by Robin Wall Kimmerer “Learning the Grammar of Animacy”

Body Poem Trainings



In this module, we will practice the art of listening. One of the fundamental aspects of why Body Poem feels so transformative is that this structure facilitates us to listen to ourselves without interruptions to our receptivity and awareness of the emergence of living. It’s a practice that supports us listening, without making better, or changing or doing anything with another person’s expression. And it can be a profound experience, to listen to and have undivided attention and space to express whatever is there to express.

Body Poem Trainings



In this module, we will practice Dream form. This is the origin of Body Poem, where you will be exploring your waking and sleeping dreams. Dream Form is synched with body focusing and for more in-depth therapeutic practice combined with clean language, which we will be adding to the mix in later weeks. Dream Form, originally from Playback Theatre, is a ritual where the actors on the stage inhabit different elements of a Teller’s dream.



In this module, we will practice the art of the Feng Shui Dream poem. A useful application of Dream Poem is harvesting projections from our environments which can be understood as reflections of our sometimes censored inner worlds. There may be times when a person is at a place where they are wanting to make decisions about their life and wanting to make changes in home and relationships. Looking at the rooms of their homes, or the room they are sat in, using Dream Poem, can illuminate these inner conversations. William Morris said “home is a metaphor of the self” when we dream of houses at night they are symbolic of the “mansion of our soul”

Body Poem Trainings



In this module, we will be discovering our habitual well-used defenses to feeling. Body Poem would not be needed if we as humans were not at the effect of defenses to feeling and expressing our emotions. This is an exploration naming some of the common, sometimes, unconscious defenses humans have achieved to stay hidden. I share here, from psychoanalytic and interpersonal neurobiology perspectives, some of the strategies, unconscious and conscious, that we employ as humans to help us not feel the fear of feeling.

Body Poem Trainings



In this module, we are exploring communications from different aspects of self calling us into action using Body Poem to allow them all dignity and acceptance. We do not need to be experts in neurobiology. However, a basic understanding can help us see beyond our personal stories into the origins of our belonging needs on this planet.



The vibrating tones in our voice can open vibrations in another heart. Sound lifts up the harmonics in the body and when we offer silence with no language, this is where the completion of the power cycle is most powerful when integration happens.



In this module, we will harvest what we have been learning together and explore next leaps of faith with integrating Body and Dream poem into your current practice. Body Poet certificates will be presented to those who have completed the home assignments at this stage. Due to the intensity of some of these experiences, extensions are possible for six months from the completion of the training. There is a supervision group for graduates and Body Poets still completing the modules to support your integration and application of Body Poem with your personal and professional practice.



  • After the 9 modules and having attended at least 3 Goldfish bowl zooms is an in person retreat.  We will gather in person to practice and exchange being in the dreamer and dream scribe roles. Body Poet certificates will be presented to those who have completed the training + retreat and demonstrated the Body Poem core competencies of body focusing, clean language and dream form.
  • Due to the intensity of some of these experiences, extensions are possible for six months from the completion of the retreat or you can decide to return and repeat the training for just £330 to immerse yourself in the teachings and practice again.
  • One to one supervision is available for graduates and Body Poets still completing certification to support your integration and application of Body Poem with your personal and professional practice. 

NOVEMBER 1ST 2022 - MARCH 14TH 2023

Body Poem is a revolutionary tool illuminating unknown and unspoken parts of the self. This training is especially useful for Therapists, Counsellors, Coaches, Bodyworkers, Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Specialist Nurses, Social Workers, GPs and professionals who are paid to listen to people.


  • Body Poem is a simple structure that facilitates a shared understanding of the roots of what a person is communicating, in sometimes as little as 5 minutes of consulting time.
  • Body Poem is a powerful modality to seamlessly integrate with your professional practice, facilitating effortless access to censored symbol starved exiled aspects of the self. This simple structure creates transformational integrations and epiphanies in a way that is truly person-centered.
  • Katie Sarra developed Body Poem as a structure from over thirty years of working with people therapeutically. “I am deeply grateful to the courageous people who have trusted in entering the unknown with me discovering together this creative way of bypassing unhelpful defenses to feeling.” Here is an interview between Julian Marcus and Katie Sarra which offers you an in-depth overview of “what is Body Poem?” and how it works.
Body Poem

Our learning together over 18 weeks begins
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1ST 2022 at 17.00 hrs

The live community calls are 120 mins alternate weeks with a live practice week in between,

called Goldfish bowl webinars with public. An opportunity to experience and practice together.

The Zoom code for these calls will be sent nearer the time.


We begin at 17.00 hrs UK time and end at 19.00 hrs. Goldfish bowls are one hour long from 18.00 to 19.00 hrs/

The certification training requires approximately 3-5 hours of self-directed study time per fortnight

As you arrive there is a waiting room and you will be welcomed in.


A Body Poem unfolds as a guided meditation to notice sensations that are alive in the body. Whatever is steaming up into awareness, from nothingness to something, forms the basis of a spontaneous poem emerging from a person’s unique metaphors and associations. This simple ritual often brings insight, revelation, and epiphany in moments of deep connection, care, and tenderness.


  • Body Poem can be integrated with your current modalities to support listening to hidden aspects of the self that are sometimes expressed in physical or emotional pain. Pain can interrupt a person’s availability for treatment or therapeutic interventions as stress inhibits sensory receptivity and hormonal regulation.  Body poem has the potential to transform the pain of human suffering into poetry and beauty.


  • Body Poem is a skilled synthesis of Body Focusing, Clean Language, and Dream Form. During the training, these micro-skills are practised to facilitate your confidence in trusting your artistic spontaneity as a practitioner.


  • Each live community call includes guided meditations, explanatory discourses, guided group and paired practice with everyone learning with each other collectively.


  • Replay recordings of our live sessions will be available together with downloads and access to a library of illustrated lessons to expand upon the material explored.


  • In each module, you will receive beautifully presented audiovisual slide shows of the teachings illuminating the origins of Body Poem and the depths of each aspect of its alchemy. The training is hosted on an interactive forum where you post your reflections and receive feedback. The teacher team are here to answer your questions and support your learning.


  • During the Certification process, we will reflect in discursive meditations, diving deeper into our shared understanding.


  • Home practices are with each other and/or with willing volunteers and are easily conducted remotely by video or phone.


  • The Modules & calls are like waves rolling in and out of the shore each one enriching knowledge and understandings of this profound life-changing practice.
Body Poem


As this is a certified course, in order to be certified you must engage with all of the practices which will deepen and integrate your skills as a Body Poet. Your reflections help with our shared understanding of where your learning edges are and allow us all to learn from each others’ experiences.

The only way to learn here is to jump in! & have a go practicing the various elements, such as body focusing, clean language and dream form. Our working metaphor for emotional fluency is a turtle entering the water to feel, and coming back onto the beach to reflect. Throughout the training, we enter into the waters in simple stages so you hopefully won’t be out of your depth. You will be best served by coming with a “beginner’s mind”, setting aside the possible distractions of perfectionism and comparison.


Let the exploration listening into the hidden worlds of our physical, emotional, sensual & dream bodies begin!


We look forward to our explorations together and welcoming you!


The Body Poet Certification Training runs over nine alternate weeks with weekly live community calls (Goldfish Bowl Webinars) in between. Training calls include audiovisual slide shows, home practices and Q & A’s.

Each community call includes guided meditations, explanatory discourses, Group and paired practice in break out rooms. Replay recordings of our live sessions will be available together with with downloads, plus visual workbooks to expand upon the material explored. Each week you will receive beautifully presented audiovisual slide shows of the teachings illuminating the origins of Body Poem and the depths of each aspect of its alchemy with guided practice.

Q&As and home practices to guide you step-by-step through the Body Poem practice.Your questions added to a live Q&A document with reflections and answers updated weekly to support integrating Body Poem into your current practice so everyone learns from and with each other collectively.

Tuesday Goldfish Bowls Zoom Calls, from 17.0-18.00 GMT

Our Tuesday Goldfish Bowls, from 17.0-18.00, are community calls open to the public that allow for coming together for practice and sharing Body Poem. These are scheduled alternate weeks between course module calls.


Come along and experience them for free:

2022-2023 Training Dates for Your Calender


01 November 2022

Module 1 

17.00hrs-19.00hrs GMT

08 November 2022

Goldfish Bowl

17.00hrs-18.00hrs GMT
15 November 2022 

Module 2

17.00hrs-19.00hrs GMT

22 November 2022 Goldfish Bowl

17.00hrs-18.00hrs GMT

29 November 2022 

Module 3

17.00hrs-19.00hrs GMT


6 December 2022

Goldfish Bowl

17.00hrs-18.00hrs GMT

13 December 2022

Module 3 

17.00hrs-19.00hrs GMT


10 January 2023

Goldfish Bowl

17.00hrs-18.00hrs GMT

17 January 2023

Module 4 

17.00hrs-19.00hrs GMT

24 January 2023

Goldfish Bowl

17.00hrs-18.00hrs GMT

31 January 2023

Module 5 

17.00hrs-19.00hrs GMT


7 February 2022

Goldfish Bowl

17.00hrs-18.00hrs GMT

14 February 2022

Module 6 

17.00hrs-19.00hrs GMT


7 March 2022

Module 4 

17.00hrs-19.00hrs GMT

14 March 2022

Goldfish Bowl

17.00hrs-18.00hrs GMT

Upon completion of all requirements, – training, in person retreat and supervision – you will receive your certificate as a “Certified Body Poet”.

Body Poem Training


‘We create a culture of mutual welcoming. This means we invite people into our experience. This means quieter voices are invited and welcomed. This means that everyone in this gets to belong fully to this group. Through acts of positive affirmation, celebrating each other’s risks, failures and successes, and offering loving feedback when requested, we come to belong to each other as educators weaving a world of liberation.’
Pavini Moray

The Body Poet Certification Training is a professional development training, and the expectation is that communication between participants will be inclusive and kind.


Our private learning forum supports connection, houses our reflections and provides a place to post questions during and after the training.

I am available for group supervision in your transition between Dream Scribe and Body Poet, understanding our rhythms, timings, choices, resonances in our voice attuned with our gut and heart’s felt sense and the dynamics of why and how it supports integration, acceptance, and belonging.

There is a natural ending to expression, a place of calm stillness when it has all landed and been heard… and then the next impulse rhythms out into song again! – Katie Sarra


We would kindly request you to complete the enrolment form together with your training sign-up.

The total tuition fee is £1800

With the payment of a deposit of £330 your spot on the course is secured.

There are a maximum of 24 places available.

Payment plans are available, click enrol button below to read more.


The Sea School of Embodiment has a commitment to offering Bursary places to support professionals who are under-represented in the field of somatic education. We are committed to making this training accessible. Body Poem is in service to the integration of exiled aspects of being human that can painfully interrupt how we are in service and financially resourced. We have created our payment options to reflect our understanding of these demographics. Our standard payment plan is £300 per month over 6 months.

We are offering 50% discount (Total Reduced Price £900 – with optional £150 per month, 6 month payment plan). The bursary applicants can include, but are not limited to, those that are on low income, identify as Trans and/or Non-Binary, Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic (BAME) students. We also understand there are many other aspects of being human that inhibit being in service that in turn disadvantage financial prosperity.

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